When Goodluck Jonathan, Nigeria's president, created his account in Facebook to touch with the citizens, the election battle looks more interesting and fashionable ever since.
In a media campaign for the purpose of election, the more media coverage is reached, the better maybe the candidate. In spite of the promotions in traditional media such as TV or Print Paper, politicians trend to explore a new means in communication and the internet provides such platform. As the campaign in the term of journalistic tone is uncontrolled, there is a desire that more positive reports are beneficial. What is the best way to control the content? Jonathan shows us a good way to start—the Facebook platform. He writes about current events, government policies and the vows in elections, and these contents will stand for Jonathan because they are broadcasted by him. Facebook and Jonathan were written into headline into national newspapers and this gave him another one media coverage as a result.
Jonathan says that he reads the comment in Facebook and takes the idea presented by the commentary into account. This sounds brilliant for the reason that the people can interact with their president directly and personally. At least, it presents a sense that the president or the next election candidate is trying to hear and listen to them.
I have no doubt in the popularity Jonathan achieve and the impact on the young Facebook users and voters, but I will consider the credibility of such form of communication and interaction. The online environment is open, and anyone can use any source of materials and any forms of medium to make up themselves, and anyone can pretend to be another one. As all can be manipulated, it is difficult to tell the presentation online is objective. Jonathan maybe really concern about the value of individual idea of national development, and he may really communicate with some Facebook users. It is difficult not to notice the motives he may have. Facebook is a profound channel to deliver his politics and also promote and protect his own images especially if there is a crisis of reputation. In that case, Facebook is just another tool of public relations.
This case reminds me how weird I feel when I saw Gillard spoke on Youtube. I know how eager the politicians are to catch up with the new trend. This is just to indicate their “indentification” online whatever it should be.
The news link:
The promotion of labor party
The promotion of election campaign (is it official? No comment?)
This one looks like self-surveillance. She seems to close to the viewers, so it allows comments and interaction?
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