Saturday, August 28, 2010

Video Language: We don’t need words (Weekly Review)

Two days ago, my Windows was affected by a virus so I had to find some solutions. A long article that explains how to get rid of the virus was searched by Google. I spent nearly half an hour to read and understand the details and another 2 hours to experiment it on my laptop , which might run out all my patience in life, however, it failed, out of the blue. Though I was irritated, I still stood at the good side and Google again. Then, a video appeared. This is an incredible video showing every step with a clear navigated scene. Within 10 minutes, I killed the virus completely. That moment, I showed my great appreciation to such video creator. An idea came out—Why is video more understandable than article?

“Language is dying.” said some socialists since we have shifted to type on our computer and taken photos instead of writing. The trend has changed ever rapidly, now we free our hands and face towards our camera to show daily lives, tips, instructions… without any letters. There are millions of Youtube followers watching video and thousands of new videos are invented just in a second. Do you have such feeling that you are likely to search a video first when you are suddenly eager to learn some new Hip-hop moves (for example)? Michelle Phan, a Vietnamese American, her Make-up chips are abnormally hot , and many school girls imitate her .In her “tutorial ” video, you indeed can easily follow her because you can watch exactly what she does at her face. And this make-up education looks more fun as it consists of her soft voice of explanation and good music. Looking for a cosmetic guide book and practicing them are not more interesting compared with fashion video, though you can read more letters on the paper and know how those spell.

Due to the innovation of technology, video applying the digital techniques is getting refined. Using video to explain and illustrate something can turn them from complex to simple, from more to less. The apparent trend is that educational videos are commonly used from kindergarten to university. (My friends Tiger and Pooh  ) You cannot doubt that geographic textbook is less eyes-catching than Discover documentary.(just see the awesome in Video inform us in a language combined with sound, images, and sometimes letters, and this encourages most our sensation to obtain the information. All we feel is we are part of it that is what an article hardly provide us.

I cannot assume that language is not dying because of video, but it is the amazing things that we are able to learn or show by a video without written words. Maybe we can believe that the language become more visible.

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